7 Easy Ways To Brighten Your Smile For The Holidays

7 easy ways to brighten your smile for the holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner; therefore, it becomes quite essential to make sure that you have whiter teeth for holiday photos, just like those bright holiday lights. You radiate a certain level of confidence when you have a gleaming white smile, and it really lights up your holiday photos.

Here are seven very simple and effective ways to brighten your smile—so easy that anyone can do them.

1. Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

The first step to a dazzling smile is good oral hygiene. Ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Use fluoride toothpaste, since it keeps your teeth strong and healthy. Brushing removes food and plaque that stick to your teeth and makes them appear dull.

2. Daily Flossing

Flossing might seem like a chore, but it really is the key to white teeth. Flossing removes the food and plaque between the teeth that your toothbrush can’t so that it stops any staining and keeps your smile shining. Do once a day for best results.

3. Use A Whitening Toothpaste

There are also some kinds of toothpaste that can help whiten the teeth. These kinds of toothpaste contain mild abrasives and chemicals, which help to remove the stains from the teeth’s surface. Use whitening toothpaste as part of your everyday routine and watch your smile grow brighter with time.

4. Steer Clear Of Staining Foods and Drinks

Some foods and beverages have been known to stain the teeth, hence making them less white. Most of these usually include berries, meat, coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-coloured sodas. Try to cut down on such drinks or use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with water after consuming such foods and beverages to help reduce staining.

5. Crunchy Fruits And Veggies Consume

They scrape the teeth of naturally deposited food residues and beverages like apples, carrots, and celery. These act like natural toothbrushes as you chew, which scrub away plaque and surface stains. Moreover, they are suitable for health.

6. Drink Ample Amounts Of Water

Water is excellent for your overall health, and it helps keep your teeth white. Drinking water throughout the day will help wash away food particles and bacteria responsible for discoloration and tooth decay. Make it a habit to drink water after every meal or any other snack taken through the course of your day, and your smile will be brighter.

7. Try An At-Home Whitening Kit

Before choosing teeth whitening near you, opt for an at-home whitening package to really give your smile a good boost. They usually contain whitening strips or gels applied to the teeth. They include gentle bleaching agents that remove deeper stains and leave your smile shining. Make sure to read the instructions well to avoid sensitive teeth and other sorts of damage.

Bonus Tip: Keep Up Regular Visits With Your Dentist

A healthy, shining smile means that you have to have a regular dental checkup. A dentist will clean your teeth properly by removing plaque and tartar that you can’t remove yourself at home. They can also give individually tailored advice on how to keep your teeth white and healthy.

Nexus Dental Offers Teeth Whitening in SE Calgary

Looking to make sure you keep that smile shining brightly into the holiday season? Follow these simple tips and keep that glow into the new year. A healthy smile is a happy one, so take care of your teeth and get ready to show off that sparkling smile in all those holiday photos.

If you can’t manage to get white teeth before your holidays, you should seek the advice of our dentist in SE Calgary. At Nexus Dental, we offer teeth whitening services to all those who want perfect pearly whites and a smile before flying off for the holidays.

Make a change Today.

Call our office at 403-273-2221 for your appointment!